Meet the Team

  • Adele Pacini

    Adele is a Clinical Psychologist and registered mindfulness teacher who founded the Mindful Life Group. She holds a doctorate from the University of Cambridge and is committed to creating accessible, high-quality programs that bridge science and practice.

  • Amanda Bloomfield

    Amanda is the CEO of Gatehouse Charity, and provides support and mentorship for our organisation. We work also in partnership with Gatehouse Charity to deliver some of our mindfulness courses. You can read more about Gatehouse Charity and their work here.

  • Annabel Stickland

    Annabel is one of our directors, a psychology graduate with an interest in qualitative approaches to understanding people’s experiences on the course. She manages the delivery of our programs and supports our interns and volunteers.

  • Gemma Hawkins

    Gemma is a psychology graduate with interests in clinical and educational psychology. She oversees the data collection and analysis for our courses, and co-leads on funding applications alongside Adele.

  • Christoph Spiessens

    Christoph completed an MA in Teaching Mindfulness-Based Approaches at Bangor University’s Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice. He is a BAMBA-registered Mindfulness Teacher (MBSR) and Founder of The Manchester Mindfulness Festival. He leads the LGBTQIA+ Mindfulness sessions for The Mindfulness Network and lives with his husband in Sale, Manchester. Christoph helps us to deliver our courses for older adult carers.

  • Ruth McDonald

    Ruth is a BAMBA-registered mindfulness teacher, having recently graduated with a Distinction in an MSc in Mindfulness Based Approaches at the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice at Bangor University. Ruth is passionate about the transformative potential of mindfulness and how it can support us in daily life. Ruth helps to deliver our Mindfulness for Parents who Care course. You can find out more about Ruth on her website:

  • Jane Anderson

    Jane is a BAMBA registered mindfulness teacher and coach. After several years working as a corporate change expert, supporting people to adapt to changing circumstances both professionally and personally, she now uses these skills to help people integrate mindfulness into their daily lives. Jane is particularly passionate about supporting people in mid-life and beyond. Jane helps us to deliver our mindfulness courses for older adult carers. You can find out more about Jane here:

  • Raechel Schoder

    Raechel works on our community outreach work, helping us to let people know about upcoming mindfulness courses. A psychology undergraduate, she also assists with running the courses and has worked with various clinical groups in the NHS and community.

  • Janice Birrell

    Janice is a psychology graduate with an interest in qualitative approaches to understanding people’s experiences. She assists with transcriptions and qualitative analysis of focus group and follow-on group interviews.

  • Aimee Bailey


    Aimee is a final year psychology student with an interest in clinical and neuropsychology. She helps us with our qualitative data analysis and is passionate about working with older people.

  • Michelle Nicholson


    Michelle has an interest in mental health, autism, mindfulness and hopes to be accepted on a PhD program next year, with the aim of becoming a clinical psychologist or psychological researcher. Michelle assists us with our courses and qualitative data analysis.

  • Farah Mughal


    Farah is a Social Psychology graduate with an interest in research and all different areas of Psychology. She helps us with the delivery of our mindfulness courses, service evaluation and audit.

  • Megan Payne


    Megan is a Trainee Clinical Psychologist at the University of East Anglia. Prior to training, Megan worked as Assistant Psychologist and has experience delivering a range of group and individual interventions to those with mental health difficulties, and their families. Megan’s clinical interests include working systemically and improving the accessibility of psychological therapies to those with neurodevelopmental needs.

  • Katie Gormley


    Katie is a first year Trainee Clinical Psychologist at The University of East Anglia. Katie has a strong interest in the wellbeing of older adults and reducing loneliness in communities.

  • Lydia Taylor


    Lydia is a Trainee Clinical Psychologist at the University of Hertfordshire. Lydia’s clinical interests including working integratively and listening to people’s circumstances to build person-centred support. Prior to training, Lydia worked as a qualified Clinical Associate in Psychology, working with people who wished to improve their relationships and overall wellbeing.

  • Sanya Tariq

    Sanya is a third year student at the Open University, currently studying towards a BSc in Psychology with counselling. She is exploring the psychology field with various volunteering opportunities, with the hope of gaining a trainee PWP position. Sanya is supporting us with our quantitative data.

  • Courtney-Lee Collins

    Courtney-Lee is a psychology and LLB Law graduate, who is now studying for a Masters degree in psychology. She is an avid charity fundraiser and was lucky enough to be awarded a BEM in the Queen’s birthday honours in 2020 for services to her community. She has a strong interest in the mental health and wellbeing of older adults and supports us with our community engagement.